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Artists' space

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Wednesday 16 January 2019 - 3.00PM

The approached subject during this art and philosophy snacktime is " what it is and what it appears to be".

These snacktimes for children aged 7 to 11 are led by Camille Grasser, head of education at the CAC - la synagogue de Delme and Sophie Usunier, artist. 

Can the world be represented? Does imagination distance us from reality? Does society need artists? These are a few of the questions explored with children during art and philosophy snacktimes. For the tenth consecutive year, these meetings are being offered by the Synagogue de Delme contemporary art centre at participating media libraries. With the help of simple philosophical notions and images of works, these art and philosophy snacktimes give children a playful and friendly way to explore the questions they ask themselves, share their opinions, and reflect upon subjects that concern them.



Adress : Médiathèque de Dompaire, 3 rue Charles Gérome, 88270 Dompaire
Reservation : +33 (0)3 29 34 67 57